Sunday, January 30, 2011


The month of January is thirty days plus one from being over and now is a good time to check yourself on the New Year’s same old resolution that you made in 2009 and again in 2010 to see just how far you have gotten on fulfilling it in 2011. It just might be a good idea to find a way to put yourself in check each month to make sure you stay on the right track to completing your goals for 2011.
Pick a day, same day with the same number of the day for the remaining eleven months and ask yourself the following questions each month.

1. Have I accomplished what I set out to do?
2. If I’m not at the finish line, then what do I need to do to continue or change to get there?
3. Are there obstacles that need to be eliminated, and what resources do I need to refer too, to make it happen?
4. Have I spent enough time planning so that my journey progressives forward?
5. Did I redeem the time that I had to move toward completion?
6. Is it time to make a mid-course correction and go to plan ‘B’ or ‘C’?
7. Did I stop and pray and ask God for His guidance?

I find that if I keep myself in check, it doesn’t leave me much room for others to find fault. I further believe that if I follow God’s plan I’ll get to complete every resolution penned on paper and in my heart. I plan to consistently check myself by His Word so that when 2012 ushers itself in with the Auld Layne Sine tune again, I will be able to set new resolutions that will continue to line-up with the Word of God and when the next year is birthed so will new horizons rise towards planning for a brighter and more prosperous future.

Check yourself!

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