Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I Ask Questions

I use to not ask the question of the answers I needed to know. I pondered many things inside of my mind and almost always held them within. It looked as though others already knew the answers so I never questioned why, what, when, or whom. I just kept it to myself and lived without the answers. If I couldn’t ask the question then, then I would read or research or just ask another privately when it was all said and done.

For all the years I was in school. That was how I functioned. I never asked questions, I just observed in my silence. As I became an adult I still maintained that silence. When I had my children who are the jewels of my life I began to question out loud. There were questions I no longer could go without the answers. I needed to know why I was the way I am and if this is the answer God wanted me to live. If I was living the answer then surely I could leave more answered questions to my children that could be placed down from generation to generation.

I have now gone “over the hill” past the fortieth line of life. I’ve been sliding down the hill for twenty years and hope to keep on sliding. I now ask the questions how, why, what, whom when and how. I need to know now for I don’t have enough time to wait and research it later. When I ask I try to ask the right questions to obtain the right answer. I no longer stand by question-less.

I ask, and I receive the answers. The one question that everyone should ask before you leave this earth is how can I be saved? The immediate answer to this is to accept the Lord as your personal Savior. Ask Jesus to cleanse you from your sin by saying this prayer. O Lord please forgive me for every sin I have sinned against you. Come into my life and make me the person you want me to be. Thank you Lord for saving me I am now your child. Now Lord I ask that you will help me live according to your Word. Amen.

Now that you have the answer, go to a church of your choice and get involved with serving Christ. As you grow go out and help others to find the answer to the most important question that needs to be answered.

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