Wednesday, May 13, 2009

You Are What You Believe

You are who you believe yourself to be. What you believe is how you act or react to any given situation.

If you believe you are a worthy person, then you will grasp life as if you own it.

If you believe you are confident, then you step out and do more than the person who sits around and do nothing.

If you believe you are shy, then you’ll miss the opportunity to meet those people who can enhance your life.

If you believe you are caring, then you will extend a helping hand to others in need.

If you believe in love, then you will show empathy, sympathy and compassion and put the meaning of the word in action.

If you believe in happiness, then you will set up circumstances to create your own and others.

If you believe words, then you will seek to read and study to become knowledgeable.

If you believe in life, then you will search to find Christ and accept Him as your personal Savior obtaining eternal life.

If you believe in music, then sing a new song unto the Lord for He has been good to you.

If you believe in praise, then lift your voice and hands to the Lord.

If you believe in prayer, then pray that what you believe is what you live.

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